Monday, 20 June 2011

Book now for a Christmas treat

Tickets are now on sale for Hansel and Gretel at The Junction which makes us very excited.

We won't go into rehearsals until November but we are already designing leaflets and posters for the show so look out for these around Cambridge in the next couple of months.

We are also having meetings with our set designer to think about how we can build a forest in The Junction's theatre space. It might look something like this but with much more snow everywhere.

To book tickets, please visit

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

ASSITEJ international Award for young people's theatre

I am very pleased to announce here that last friday we won the ASSITEJ International Honorary Presidents Award at the ASSITEJ World Congress in Copenhagen and Malmo. This is a major award of international standing and is only given every three years for Artistic Excellence in making work for young people. The award was shared with Grouppe 38, a children's theatre company from Denmark. There was a short ceremony at which some of our ensemble played music from some of our shows.